All of the documents available from The 1031 Exchange Experts are available to you here, in easy to download, easy to print PDF file formats. You need to download Adobe's free Reader to read/print any of the files listed below. All the links below are PDF file formats.
Brochures you can download
- 1031 Straight Brochure
- 1031 Reverse Brochure
- 1031El Folleto Recto en Español
- Oil and Gas Exchanges
- How Construction Exchanges Work
- How Improvement Exchanges Work
Blank 45-Day Letter
You will need this after the closing of the sale of your old property:
- Download a 45-Day letter
- Download a 45-Day letter as a Zipped MSWord doc.
Other Documents you can download
- Purchase and Sales Contract Wording - Optional 1031 language you can use in the contract for both your Old and New Property. Also available as a Microsoft Word Doc.
- Exchange Addendum To Contract To Buy And Sell Real Estate - Updated 04.20.2005 - Optional 1031 Contract addendum approved by the Colorado Real Estate Commission (EX32-05-04).
- IRS Form 8824 - IRS form for reporting Like-Kind Exchanges.
- IRS Form 4797 - IRS form for reporting Sales of Business Property.
- IRS Schedule E - (Form 1040) IRS form for reporting Supplemental Income and Loss.
PDF expert1031.com Web Pages
- 6 things you need to know about §1031 exchanges - This fact sheet explains the basic requirements of a 1031 exchange...
- las 6 cosas que usted necesita saber - Esta hoja del hecho explica los requisitos básicos de un 1031 cambio...
Can I do a 1031 exchange to sell real estate in Maui and purchase in Phoenix if I'm a non-resident alien (ie: Canadian)?
Jim McClure
Branch Manager
Assante Capital Management Ltd.
Dear Jim,
As your question is stated the answer is yes. There are some FIRPTA requirements that pertain to withholdings that can be completely deferred as long as you reinvest all the proceeds from the sale of the Maui property, and the Phoenix property is equal or higher in value to the Maui property.
The Experts
It Doesn’t End at 15%
Refinancing 1031 Property in an Exchange
Using Section 1031 to Buy a House You Want to Live In