In a market this hot, if you want to do a 1031 exchange you have quite a dilemma. You would like to exchange your highly appreciated Old Property, but finding replacement property in time is difficult. In a straight 1031 exchange, you have 45 days from the date of sale to identify potential replacement property and 180 days to close the purchase. There are no extensions to these time frames! Property not identified or purchased in time will toast your exchange, and you'll pay tax on the sale of your Old Property.
We're currently in a market where inventory is in short supply, and if you don't act fast, properties are gone. If you're hesitant to sell your Old Property first for fear of not being able to find the perfect New Property in time, consider doing a "Reverse Exchange."
It Doesn’t End at 15%
Refinancing 1031 Property in an Exchange
Using Section 1031 to Buy a House You Want to Live In